Pensacola Elder Law, Estate Planning and Probate Attorney.

Medley Law Firm is an Elder Law, Estate Planning and Probate firm in Pensacola, Florida that offers in-person professional services from Pensacola to Panama City and virtually across the entire state.
Medley Law Firm, Elder Law and Estate Planning
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Helping you protect your family, every step of the way.

Young adult siblings family outdoors
You know that the most important you can do isn’t to leave “stuff” to people; it’s to leave behind a legacy of caring and thoughtfulness that your loved ones will look back on for generations to come.

But, thinking about incapacity, disability or death isn’t very fun. You know you should do something to prepare, and you’ve heard words like powers of attorney, wills, trusts, long-term care, Medicaid and probate, but you’re not sure what they mean for you. Plus, you’ve heard bad things about working with lawyers: they’re expensive, they use confusing legal terms instead of plain English, they try to sell you expensive documents you don’t really need, they bill you for every little phone call or email, and once the work is finished you never hear from them again.

Find out how we do things differently at Medley Law Firm, or check below to see the specific ways we can help you and your family.

If you’re ready to talk more about protecting you and your loved ones, contact us so we can help

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Grandfather holding his smiling granddaughter in the sunny outdoors

Elder Law

While elder law attorneys work with people of all ages, they focus on issues that are particular to senior citizens and their families. Two of the biggest examples are: Nursing Home Medicaid Planning: one of the most common questions senior citizens have is “If I need a nursing home, how do I pay for it?”. This is an important question to ask, as most insurance plans do not cover nursing home care, and the out-of-pocket costs involved average anywhere to nearly $8,000 per month.

Estate Planning: any attorney can draw up a simple will, trust or power of attorney, but senior citizens often find themselves in situations where such documents are not appropriate for their situation and could even lead to confusion and litigation after they pass away.
Our Elder Law Services
Cheerful disabled senior woman sitting on wheelchair looking at female doctor in retirement home

Nursing Home Medicaid

The fact is, nearly 70% of Americans will require some form of long term care during their lifetime. While this usually applies to the elderly, it doesn’t just happen to them; many young people also wind up needing long term care due to unexpected illness, disability, accidents, and so forth. Long term care generally means medical care and assistance provided by a caregiver while still at home, or by an assisted living or nursing facility.

Long term care can be very expensive. The average cost for one month in a skilled nursing facility is nearly $8,000 per month. In-home health care can cost even more, depending on the types of care provided.
Our Nursing Home Medicaid Services
Last Will and Testament documents

Estate Planning

Many people, especially younger adults, think that they don’t need a will, trust, power of attorney, or any other kind of estate planning document. They believe that those things are only for the elderly or people in bad health and are simply not necessary for healthy folks in their 30’s, 40’s or 50’s.

They’re wrong. Estate planning is not just about having a will or trust. Instead, having a quality estate plan in place is like having good insurance: you hope you never need it, but it’s there in case the unexpected happens.
Our Estate Planning Services
Father and Special Needs son smiling at each other

Special Needs Planning

Many of us have disabled loved ones with special needs who rely on benefits such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (or SSI). We don’t want to leave them assets that might stop them from receiving those benefits, but we don’t want to cut them out, either; instead, we want to provide for them after we’re gone while making sure they still receive the help they need. A Special Needs Trust can allow you to do this.

A Special Needs Trust can be incorporated into your estate plan. This type of trust lets you leave assets to disabled individuals without jeopardizing their benefits.
Our Special Needs Planning Services
A funeral

Probate Attorney

The loss of a loved one can be incredibly tough on everyone involved. The situation is stressful enough on its own, so discovering that you have to go through the probate court to settle the deceased’s affairs can seem like an overwhelming challenge. Then there are the horror stories that so many people have heard: probate takes years, it costs a huge amount of money, and the government will just take everything anyway, so what does it matter?

In reality, the probate process is not as complicated as you might think, and as a probate attorney, I can help.
Learn more about Probate

Get in touch and let us show you easy it is to start protecting you and your family’s futures.

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