Helping you during the most difficult of times

The loss of a loved one can be incredibly tough on everyone involved. The situation is stressful enough on its own, so discovering that you have to go through the probate court to settle the deceased’s affairs can seem like an overwhelming challenge. Then there are the horror stories that so many people have heard: probate takes years, it costs a huge amount of money, and the government will just take everything anyway, so what does it matter?
In reality, the probate process is not as complicated as you might think. Most probate estates deal with the same kinds of assets, such as homes and other real estate, bank accounts, cars and personal property (heirlooms, furniture, coin collections, etc.). These estates usually involve a minimum amount of time and paperwork on your part. There are other, more complicated probate estates, but those almost always boil down to a few key issues that I can help you solve. I can walk you through the entire process, explaining who will get what assets and how long it will take. When the process is over, I will help make sure everything is distributed according to your loved one’s last wishes and the law.

How are probate fees handled?
The loss of a loved one can be incredibly tough on everyone involved. The situation is stressful enough on its own, so discovering that you have to go through the probate court to settle the deceased’s affairs can seem like an overwhelming challenge. Then there are the horror stories that so many people have heard: probate takes years, it costs a huge amount of money, and the government will just take everything anyway, so what does it matter?
In reality, the probate process is not as complicated as you might think. Most probate estates deal with the same kinds of assets, such as homes and other real estate, bank accounts, cars and personal property (heirlooms, furniture, coin collections, etc.). These estates usually involve a minimum amount of time and paperwork on your part. There are other, more complicated probate estates, but those almost always boil down to a few key issues that I can help you solve. I can walk you through the entire process, explaining who will get what assets and how long it will take. When the process is over, I will help make sure everything is distributed according to your loved one’s last wishes and the law.