
Understanding Insurance Benefits for Minors Life insurance is a vital part of family planning for every parent. In exchange for paying monthly or annual premiums, your beneficiaries receive money when you pass away. Insurance benefits to a life insurance beneficiary may range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars. An insurance policy ensures that […]

Estate planning involves a variety of documents to ensure your loved ones are cared for upon your death or when you’re no longer to make medical and financial decisions independently. One term you’ll undoubtedly hear come up repeatedly is “trust,” which is a legal arrangement to divvy out finances and other assets. However, there are […]

No one likes to think of winding up in a situation where they’re unable to make choices independently. However, a key component to effective estate planning involves setting up an attorney-in-fact who can act on your behalf in case something awful occurs. However, many don’t even know where to begin when it comes to learning […]

Estate planning is both a complex and emotional legal field. It’s critical to seek out legal advice when you’re still young and healthy should anything happen to you. You want to be certain your loved ones will be provided for in the event of your passing, and there are even more considerations to make when […]

As trusted estate planning attorneys serving Florida and Alabama, the Medley Law Firm has the years of experience, resources, and expertise you need to achieve financial security and secure your legacy. Ready for top-tier guidance? Explore our estate planning services in a consultation. No matter how hard you work for your wealth, one thing stays the same: […]

As leading estate planning lawyers in Pensacola, we’ve helped countless clients protect their wealth and secure their families’ financial futures. When you need a custom-tailored estate plan, Medley Law Firm is here to help. Contact us online to schedule a consultation. Securing your legacy is a life-long endeavor. After years of working hard, amassing wealth, and […]
A minor beneficiary is an intended recipient of assets who is under the age of 18. People who name minor beneficiaries may be inadvertently putting their inheritance in jeopardy.
As top estate planning attorneys in Florida, we’re skilled in finding the best legal strategies to fit our clients’ unique needs. Need help securing your family’s financial future? We’ve got you covered. Contact us online to schedule a case evaluation today. You worked hard your whole life to save for your future, and every dollar […]
In Florida probate terms, dying without a last will and testament is known as dying “intestate”. Most people assume that, if they die without a will in place, their next of kin or heirs will inherit their estate.
Moving to a new state means that it is time to update important documents, like your driver’s license and car registration. Among those documents should be your will or living trust. If you have moved to Florida from another state, your probably do not need to start from scratch with a whole new estate plan. […]