Contact Us
Call, email or drop by the office!
Getting started with Medley Law Firm
1. It all starts with a friendly chat. Call or email me, and tell me what you would like to talk about.
2. I will personally return your call or email and talk with you to find out more about your situation. If it’s something I can help you with, we’ll schedule your initial consultation either at my office in Pensacola, my branch offices in Pace or Mobile, or over the phone or video chat if you don’t live nearby. I charge an initial consultation fee of $200. If you choose to let me help you with your issue, this fee will be credited against your final, total fee.
3. You’ll attend the initial consultation, and we’ll discuss your matter. At the end of the consultation, I’ll quote you a flat fee for my work, and you can decide whether or not you would like us to continue. If so, we’ll schedule another appointment for you to come back or I’ll give you an estimated time in which your work will be completed.
Unfortunately, I can’t quote fees over the phone or email, because I don’t enough about you or your situation to determine what kind of work will be involved. However, after our first meeting, I’ll be able to quote you an inclusive flat fee.
Office Address:
714 North Spring Street
Pensacola, Florida 32501
(Located at the southeast corner of Cervantes Street and
Spring Street, in the historic Marsh House)
Office hours:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fridays